
Packaging & Merchandise

People Judge Books By Their Covers

People do judge books by their covers – so we give you the very best and most attractive cover possible.

There’s a reason beauty contests don’t really judge inner beauty. What does your products packaging say about you and your product? How does your merchandise look on a shelf next to your rivals? Does it romance the eyeballs of a casual viewer or say “move along buddy”? If there are multiple SKUs do they work in symphony or cacophony? How does your customer feel when you they buy your product?

Do all of these factors reach a finger into the back of your customers brain and poke that button marked buy? Sales is all about psychology and we are the Sigmund Freud of sales.

Remember, your packaging is your sales ambassador. Your customers become walking billboards sporting your logos and branding on merchandise. Packaging is no longer a vehicle used to transport goods, it is part of the product itself, and a showpiece that has the potential to live on as a poster for your brand inside the homes of your customers. An effect piece of packaging will turn every place its put into a billboard, from store shelf to recycling bin.

Our packaging and merch doesn’t just speak to your customers, it has a whole conversation in their own language. Everywhere it goes, everyone who handles it, it’ll chat, you won’t believe an inanimate wrapper can be such a chatterbox. Our years of experience developing product packaging means we’ve mastered the standard production techniques, as well as the most innovative packaging techniques and some we’ve only just invented. Let us make your packaging the team player you never knew you had and are never going to put back on the bench.

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